DEVELOPING: LAPD Officially Tasked With Throwing All Manner of Fines Under the Sun At Your Favorite Food Truck

DEVELOPING: LAPD Officially Tasked With Throwing All Manner of Fines Under the Sun At Your Favorite Food Truck

File under hearsay text messages: The following phone-to-phone transcript comes direct from our good buddy Bobby over at Green Truck On The Go (screw twitter, too much noise; tweet away but old-fashioned txtmsgs still own me end of day and he knows it). Verbatim txtscript:

TO: Losanjealous Ryan’s Wireless Device
Anti-lunch truck task force action here. The cops formed one due to complaints at our museum square route, and cracked down today, throwing down fines and citing for trucks parking too close to the curb, trucks parking too far from the curb, trucks beeping whey they back up, trucks not being equipped with beepers when they back up, trucks protruding into red zones, trucks serving up sub-par food (joke) and god only knows what else. Word is that they also dished out $5000 fines – we hadn’t opened yet and avoided that bit, at least. (no citation for “failing to open in a timely fashion”?? -ed) Their stated purpose is to clear wilshire of lunch trucks.

FROM:Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
Wilsh and where??

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
5750 Wilshire – between Curson and Masselin. Toshi’s Asian Food keeps calling the cops. 10-15 squad cars per day for the next week or two, task force to ticket trucks for anything and everything until they leave.

FROM: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
Can I quote you on this?

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
I was thinking about making a report from the front lines. The Baby’s Bad Ass Burger truck was there. I think Marked 5 was there. Kogi was there. Been emailing those guys and Luncheros (Emma) about this. You can quote me – but make sure it’s hilarious and not whiney. Well, adjust.

FROM: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
Done. Give us a follow-up post.

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
Yep. There may be joint kogi-green truck youtube videos. I’ve been emailing them and trying to get this started for a while and now they are talking about contacting all the trucks and joining forces. I’m all for it, but wasn’t trying to put the green truck or kogi brand on it.

FROM: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
Ima blog all this shit. Later, typing.

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
Mobile food movement < Mobile food revolution

If all of the above is true, and it sounds as if it is, expect more coverage to follow on your preferred medium any time now. I have a gigantic email thread from Bob as well. Time permitting I’ll try to decipher this thing and get it out there. Meantime: Anybody with additional information or insight, please do feel free to speak up.

Green truck photo by jojomelons