Profile: India Jones Chow Truck: Open For Business, Impounded By Po-Po, Back On Streets Today

Profile: India Jones Chow Truck: Open For Business, Impounded By Po-Po, Back On Streets Today

indiajonesMere days into its new tar-curry-and-asphalt business model, the explosive chutney-laden and aptly-named India Jones Chow Truck suffered a fate no lonchera would wish on another Wednesday prior at 5750 Wilshire Food Truck Takedown ’09: Impound! Unsatisfied with simply slapping all manner of tickets and fines onto and into the truck and its wares, The Man opted to drag the glittering chrome-goat-milk-and-wheels box back to central for additional consumption, belches and post-tow betel nut chew. Take heart, for the story has a coconutty-sweet ending: Said truck is back on those mean Los Angeles streets as of today and Chef Sumant Pardel, having survived the ordeal in one piece, will be slinging Bombay Frankies, spicy food and various mango sundries again; very soon, in fact, with a possible appearance at this weekend’s Sunset Junction festival, according to that one website where everybody text-messages each other:

@losanjealous we r getting our truck back 2day they almost took it for 30 days… Thanx 4 awsome coverage we got in touch w/ Bobby of green

» LAPD Throwing All Manner of Fines Under the Sun At Your Fave Food Truck
» India Jones Chow Truck (official site / blog)
» Meals on Wheels: IJCT (Eater LA)