DEVELOPING: Green Truck "Scoping Out" Museum Square Today

DEVELOPING: Green Truck “Scoping Out” Museum Square Today

Following our recent, topical, txtmsg-suffused posting about the LAPD’s targeted harassment of the gourmet food trucks near 5750 Wilshire Blvd, the inbox has been flooded: carbon-copies of outraged letters to Tom LaBonge, gratuitous linking from angry yelpers, 5750 Wilshire office resident petition signers (120 sigs at press time!) requesting mentions, at least one LA Times piece (wherein The Man pooh-poohs last week’s fiasco as a simple, one-day, non-permit-having-truck-targeted sting) and more than a few recently-submitted food truck reviews and op-ed pieces that I still have yet to parse, process and post live to the site. Meantime, Bobby’s back on the scene down Wilshire way, right now:

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TIME: 11:49am
I am at museum square stop now to scope things out. Here come the cops

More as it develops; stay tuned.

Green truck photo by jojomelons

» LAPD Throwing All Manner of Fines Under the Sun At Your Favorite Truck
» India Jones: Open For Business, Impounded By Po-Po, Back On Streets Today
» Green Truck on twitter