Free Chai @ Coffee Bean, 4-7 pm Today

Free Chai @ Coffee Bean, 4-7 pm Today

Burt LearAttention cheapskates, chai drinkers and cheapskate chai drinkers:

Complementary 12 oz. chai beverages being issued at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf*, today, Friday, February 12, 2010 from 4-7 pm. [Info]

We use the occasion to dust off some old missives from Coffee Beans by our one-time contributor, Burt Lear, for some light, end of the week reading.
Chapter 1: Doing Business at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Chapter 2: Start-Up At The Bean Affected By Poor Economy

Chapter 3: Time To Go–Burt Lear Concludes Business at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

*Does anyone actually pronounce the “Tea Leaf” in the name? They should just drop it already. Think of the savings on electricity on lighting up the “& Tea Leaf” in their signs. Maybe a re-branding as “The Bean” or “CBTL” might perk things up.