Glendale & Burbank Residents Less Likely to Need to Visit Hospital; "Black Swan" Still an Overated Mess

Glendale & Burbank Residents Less Likely to Need to Visit Hospital; “Black Swan” Still an Overated Mess

Black Swan
PHOTO: Natalie Portman in Black Swan, framed by subtly symbolic mirrors.

Losanjealous HealthWatch finds an interesting report today in the pages of the venerable Glendale News-Press:

Residents of Glendale, Burbank and nearby areas are less likely to be admitted to hospitals for preventable medical problems than other California residents, according to a new state study.

The local region includes cites in the area spanning from La CaƱada Flintridge to Calabasas.

Local hospital officials attributed the results to the wide availability of medical care, a more affluent population and an increasing emphasis on preventive care.

Also, Black Swan, while intermittently watchable, is largely an overrated mess and plays exponentially worse on subsequent viewings with an Oscars screener at home.