Profile: Cafe Tropical

Profile: Cafe Tropical

Sure you might think it is an easy write-up but you would be wrong. The fact of the matter is that Cafe Tropical basically wins everything:
another night @ the trop

  • Best Place to look at posters of El Che
  • Best Place to buy a $2.25 ’almond cigar’ consisting of a giant rolled almond dong-shaped thing, cream-filled
  • Best Gigantic $1 peanut-butter cooookies
  • Best Place to wish you were in the mood for fresh carrot juice
  • Best Coffee In The City Of Los Angeles Hands Down – Espresso con leche
  • Best Midnight Sandwich
  • Best bacon egg cheese croissant
  • Best place to meet up with fellow 12-steppers
  • Best place to meet up with your alcoholic buddies who want to do shots next door at the silverlake lounge
  • Best place to look at ’shorty’ – the hydrant on the corner
  • Best place to tell dates to meet you early in the morning
  • Best place to dump people, mid-afternoon
  • Best place to gaze at silverlake blvd below you
  • Best place to gaze at sunset blvd gently curving into the eastern horizon
  • Best place to apparently have missed a show by matt sharp that weezer guy
  • Best place to hate and abhor the skim-skin that appears on the surface of your espresso con leche, which is incidentally the best cup of coffee in the city of los angeles hands down
  • Best place to buy a full guava creamcheese pie for a dinner party and have it sliced into eighths
  • Best place to buy a gigantic chocolate napoleon that you have no intention of eating
  • Best place to hope Dennis Farina walks in at any second, talking loudly and gesticulating
  • Best place to hope Dennis Franz walks in at any second so you can pawn your chocolate napoleon, which you had no intention of eating, onto him
  • Best excuse to actually be seen inside a purple stucco facade, anywhere

Aw hell I love the Cafe Tropical.