45 Shaky Minutes

45 Shaky Minutes

things are fine. this meal is going well.

Tuesday’s lunch, freeform recap

Thirty minutes into today’s lunch at The Original Pantry and things are looking a-ok. Portions gargantuan, food unspectacular, prices spectacular, portions gargantuan.

You pay up, drop a tip and leave…and then. There it comes. That feeling. Once you hit the outside air you recognize your own scent and that…aura. The aura of gradeschool and junior high cafeterias. It envelopes you and does not let go for 45 shaky minutes…you’re fully immersed in industrial cooking…mass food…quick turnover…wafty scents of vomit, industrial cleaning supplies, stainless steel, pure gradeschool funk…you know this feeling and you are going. to.


but you do not. And soon enough the memory of the 45 minutes fades,

as it always does

and in due time you’ll be back at that counter
belly up
waiting for portions gargantuan
food unspectacular
prices spectacular
portions gargantuan.

Original Pantry
877 South Figueroa St.

The Original Pantry would like to inform you that it uses 20 head of beef cattle per day to supply its daily serving of steaks and beef products, totalling more than 7,200 cows annually …3,000 hogs …2,300 lambs …10.5 tons of coffee …and 130 tons of cabbage for the cole slaw, which also requires 2,870 gallons of salad oil and 3,200 gallons of mayonnaise. Eat up!