What Would Jesus Kick?

What Would Jesus Kick?

kung fu jesusBut I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
-Matthew 5:39-40

Then proceed to take him down with a roundhouse kick delivered to the back of his head.
-Sam Silva 5:41

Enrollment is now open for Kung Fu at Calvary Chapel in Chino Valley. Classes, guided by Master Sam Silva, meet Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Banquet Hall and close with a Bible devotion and prayer.

If guns are more your thing Calvary Chapel is also hosting Revolution, a ministry for youth ages 13-17 who are influenced by Hip Hop Culture. This week learn how to convert an ordinary chalice into a jewel-encrusted pimp cup.

Calvary Chapel Kung Fu Site