Photo Op: Fair Play, 9/29/05

Photo Op: Fair Play, 9/29/05

Holy sweetastic Good Lordy Christmas fancy pantalones covered in sugar, syrup and deep-fat-fried. You still have three (3) days to get to the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona, if you count today. Sunday is the last day!

From the fine parking tram that greeted us in the parking lot near Gate 17, to the all-in-one Nintendo gaming consoles offering “76,000 games in one” (in actuality 35 games), to the squawking parrots in the tropical garden building, to the mega-high-dive show, to the in-person sighting of Tony the Tiger, to the bevy of animals, to sheep flatulence, to the creeptastic spookhouse and the rides and rip-off games in the FUN ZONE – nope, you just can’t beat it with a stick.

Charles Phoenix may have said it best when he called our county fair Southern California’s best kept secret

Year after year I begged them to let me go in there. Year after year they said “No, you’re not going in the Fun Zone.” Finally when I got a little older I asked “Why?” I’ll never forget the stern response. “Well son, we’re afraid you’ll be… KNIFED!”

Pleased to report we didn’t get knifed all day long and were only accosted by a scant few creeps. As we creepily accosted a few people ourselves, it all worked out.

LA County Fair Website

Friday: 11 a.m. – midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m. – midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Finally, even if you loathe caged animals and rides that make you hurl your funnel cake, you gotta admit the chance to win a free year of gas is pretty damn appealing. Check the website for discounts and special offers before going.

Bonus Photos
Pat my Head
Funhouse Corridor
Feeding Time
Zonkey & Zebra
“You have to speen it!”
Milk Aisle Closed
Fried Twinkies and Broasted Chicken
(What the Dickens is a Broasted Chicken? It’s this)

icee girl


the grande

Complete photo essay will hopefully be available soon.