Photo Op: Halloween Hangover

Photo Op: Halloween Hangover

Here we have a hodgepodge assortment of photos taken over the last three days. Seasonal mischief. Graveyards. Costumes. Haunted Houses. Booze. Satanism. Cross-dressers. Jacky’lanterns. Candy. Bacon-wrapped hot dogs. Abraham Lincolns drinking Mai-Tais. KCAL reporters. Everything you’ve come to love about Halloween and much, much less. Let’s begin.

Dia De Los Muertos
Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Tinseltown, USA

shit! we’re sinking! no, wait -- we’re just drunk!

Two people in a rowboat boat is just fine. Five? Five’s pushing it. Five is a number that sinks the edge of the boat precariously close to the water’s level. Five’s no good for me but five is not a problem for you five lushes.

Additional Saturday Photos
dia de los muertosAltar
Johnny Ramone’s Grave (Dee-Dee’s was subtle)
Coffin and Miscellany
Oaxacan Psilocybin Priestess
Red Altar
I look over and over again, but they are never real nipples
Skull votives
TV dioramas (flash blessing/curse)
TV dioramas (au natural)
Votives and altar

The weekend continues after the jump.

Hallowed Haunting Grounds
Next-to-last-day-ever of a 33-year-run
Studio City, USA

KCAL scary microphoneI waited an hour in the cold next to rambunctious teenagers. My throat grew sore. My cheap poly leisure suitcoat screamed to be constructed of warm non-synthetic material. I grew colder still. I yearned for coffee. Finally I reached the yard. A silence engulfed the crowd. I began to look about. Chapel bells, owls and breathy spirits beckoned from the darkness. Very slowly, I began to discern something in the murky gloom. Something troubling. Something…unnatural. Man-made. Something cold and wiry. A reporter’s microphone. KCAL had stashed their crap in the yard during pauses between sporadic interviews. Flash reveals all, boys. Flash reveals all.

The Amazing Kcal-9 Microphone

All Hallow’s Eve
West Hollywood, USA

what a cardIs he playing with a full deck? Definitely not, but seven or eight additional cards is a good start.

Additional Monday Photos
Bert, Ernie, Unknown
Cardman, Full Frontal
Boyz (note zombee on far left!)
Pimp Couple. Pimp Firetruck.
No idea. There were a bunch of them.
Zoltar enjoys a bacon-wrapped
Ending the evening right at Canter’s
Nova Express! Just another night for this joint
Tableside. Time to chill.
Candy Bowl


Parting shot: Great to see the Bacon-Wrapped army in full effect Monday, undaunted by Saturday’s shakedown at the cemetery.

If you are in any of these photos and would like a hi-rez version, let’s talk.