The losanjealous Special Election Voting Guide

The losanjealous Special Election Voting Guide

Vote early and often!Election day is here, and there are a lot of propositions on the ballot pertaining to LA residents. Still unsure how to vote? Rest easy. We’ve broken down some of the more important propositions for you with this printable voter recommendation checklist.

Proposition 1178: Jayburger Rising
This proposition would redistribute hundreds of thousands of dollars from the teacher’s retirement fund into a slush account for the ruins of the now-defunct Jay’s Jayburger, enabling the once-thriving steaming chiliburger shack to reopen its shackdoor at the historic corner of Virgil and Santa Monica in the shadow of a monstrous development project.
losanjealous recommends you vote: YES

Proposition 655: Thai Town Tail o’ the Pup
This initiative would ensure that in the event the Tail o’ the Pup shack closes, the monstrous hot dog facade will be installed haphazardly on the roof of Oki-Dog a la the acclaimed dog at Thai Town Express. It would also reallocate sixty thousand dollars from the children’s welfare fund into making sure the cubed onions on the dog look properly smog-thrashed, downtrodden and generally filthy.
losanjealous recommends you vote: YES

Proposition 11725: Oki Unity: Force the hand of Oki-2 to comply to Oki-1 standards of grunginess
This propostion would rein in the rogue “Oki’s Dog” on Pico blvd, requiring it to finally conform to the same levels of grunginess and creepiness as the original Oki Dog shack on North Fairfax.
losanjealous recommends you vote: YES

Proposition 786: B is the new A initiative
This proposition would require restaurants with a “B” public health rating or lower to plaster the phrase ’B is the new A’ on the exterior of the establishment as well as the menu and all marketing and collateral.
losanjealous recommends you vote: FOR CHRISSAKES YES

Whether or not you use our guide, get out the vote!