City Hall Tree Comes Up Short

City Hall Tree Comes Up Short

Flacid treeLA Times whips out the tape measure to report that our own City Hall’s 2005 Christmas tree doesn’t quite measure up to other civic holiday tree displays in major cities across the land.

LA’s bush, 25 feet from base to tip when fully erect, comes up short when compared to both New York’s Rockefeller Center and Chicago’s Daley Plaza’s throbbing Yule shafts, which come in at 74 and 85 feet, respectively.

San Francisco’s, in Golden Gate Park, is an uncut, glistening 100-footer, providing a truly satisfying sensory experience.

Newport Beach’s Fashion Island mall revealed a whopping 115-foot trunk this year, though most agree that it is simply too much to take in without causing neck pain.

For next year, we recommend that City Hall go with a long, firm Festivus pole.