Coachella 2006 Full Line-Up?

Coachella 2006 Full Line-Up?

Coachella 2006?Can we debunk this?

If this is a fake, someone A) has a lot of time on their hands and B) is pretty damn handy with the Photoshop.

UPDATE: Spotted some typos. Did you see them? I would guess this is close to what we might see and might have been put together by someone with an inside link or is an actual Goldenvoice draft.

NME confirms a reunited Pumpkins headlining.

UPDATE #2: Eagle-eyed reader Bort sends a link that debunks this poster. Apparently it was photoshopped by someone on that damned Coachella message board. We can still speculate as to how accurate their guesses might eventually turn out to be. Certainly a few interesting names on there.