Mr. T Visitor Guide: BJM Fisticuff Incident, SXSW

Mr. T Visitor Guide: BJM Fisticuff Incident, SXSW

The setup: I just got back from a recon mission in Texas, suckah!

The rationale: I went down to Austin to straighten out these fools at Mister Tee Golf making money off my name. How’s a T supposed to know all these punks would be in town for some thing called the South by Southwest. That ain’t T’s thing!

The altercation: After I swept the floor with those chumps at Mr. Tee’s golf, I heard about some band called The Brian Jonestown Massacre and this guy Anton who might be startin’ trouble and doin’ crazy things! Mr. T don’t want to see no massacre! Mr. T decided to show up and protect the people from this Anton!

Crazy? The craziest thing that fool did was to quit playing a song after 11 minutes! Right when Mr. T was getting in to it! That makes a T mad! Next thing you know I am all up on him like Rockem Sockem robots! I made him FINISH that song!

No more Texas for T. I whipped that city into shape! If you losanjealous readers want to see what I’m talkin’ about live and in person, you can see that Anton and The Brian Jonestown Massacre at the Little Radio Warehouse w/ Bright Channel on 4/21 and 4/22. There will be no massacre! T will protect you suckahs and make sure no songs end early! Cuz that makes me mad! Grrr…