The Streets @ Fonda: The Timely Review

The Streets @ Fonda: The Timely Review



Good Sweet Fantasti-Lasti, my [redacted] wireless internet provider is officially fired, and this time I really mean it. We sent a reviewer to check out Lady Sov and The Streets @ Fonda NINE AND TEN DAYS ago. Said reviewer claimed to have been live-blogging the show via Treo™, but I received nary word.

10 June 2006. I’m standing around. In my boxers. In front of the TV. “Robot of the Treo and RAZR®™,” I type. “Is G Net at the The Streets show? How is the show? I have heard nary word of the show. Pray tell, Robot, if you can, what can you tell of the show?”


Streets ReviewNil. I get more responses from my shoe.

Big Ø.

Until today.

Live hip-hop can be a tricky thing to pull off. Aside from the Roots and the now-defunct Anti-Pop Consortium (RIP), I can think of very few hip-hop shows that didn’t leave me wanting more of the identical vibe of the polished, produced album. Lavish stage shows can sometimes take mind off music, but even that can only go so far. So as much as I like The Streets, I must admit I’m not terribly surprised at the nineteen-day-old review.

The Streets Photos by Michael Hurd