Where the F is Kelvin Kim?

Where the F is Kelvin Kim?

Kelvin at UCLA Last night, the UCLA Bruins men’s hoops squad opened their season against a tougher-than-expected BYU. (Them Mormons can ball. Must be the magic underwear.) It was tight for a half, but the Bruins prevailed by buckling down and ratcheting up the tenacity of the D. to 110% in the 2nd half.

But missing amidst the amber glow of sweet victory was the familiar site of Kelvin Kim, a 5’ 11″ sophomore guard, the pride of the Korean basketball community and Losanjealous favorite. In fact, after taping and slo-mo-ing the early a.m. FSW2 replay Zapruder-style, Kelvin is nowhere to be seen on the bench. Drawing upon my journalistic skillz, I scoured the UCLA Atheletic Department website for the next 4 hours, only to find that Kelvin Kim is NOT listed on the ’06-07 roster. See for yourself, in this unmodified “screen shot”:

Kelvinless Roster

Say it isn’t so! Yet, curiously no press release was sent out to the media. We can all speculate the reasons for his absence from the squad. I’m guessing it was NOT because due to grades that he was dropped. Now I’m not making any generalizations, but he just looks like a smart guy. (I think we all understand what we’re saying here.)

To so tamper with a team that went to the championship game last year is unfathamomable. As the season unfolds, time will tell if Kelvin Kim was the Bruins lucky rabbit foot.

So, Kelvin, here’s to you. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours. For now, here’s a UCLA TV piece on you that we watch so we can relive the magic of your first and only season:

Our ever resourceful commenters, namely fred and beautchous, have found out where exactly the F Kelvin Kim is–UC San Diego!

Kelvin Kim - a Triton!