Charles Phoenix's Slide of the Week: Love Annette, Disneyland, Dec 1955

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: Love Annette, Disneyland, Dec 1955

Annette Funicello

Love Annette, Disneyland, Dec 1955

Disney’s biggest live action star Annette Funicello sports smart western wear for an afternoon autograph session. Spin and Marty, signing beside her, go for a more casual jeans and t-shirt look. A uniformed Disneyland security guard protects the Mickey Mouse Club Stars form circle skirted and plaid shirted fans.

Speaking of the Mickey Mouse Club in 1972 when I was twelve I got a big beautiful Hobie skateboard for Christmas. I soon discovered that the best place in my neighborhood to ride it was a driveway down the street and around the corner. It was the only hilly spot around. Afternoon after afternoon I would go over there and ride my skateboard. One day a mother came outside and said “my son wants to know if you’ll come in and watch the Mickey Mouse Club with him.” I didn’t know him. He was a year older than me and far more bookish. I went in and sat in their den and watched the show with him. Then when it was over he said “Do you want to come to my room and listen to the soundtrack for Funny Girl?” I can’t tell you what he said after that!

Here’s to Annette, the Mickey Mouse Club the Funny Girl Soundtrack and YOU!


Charles Phoenix

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