Fontwatch: Pico OUTLET


As part of the great lead-up to Project Pico (thanks for your feedback — keep it coming), we proudly present yet another section of the Boulevard of Pico Dreams in today’s installment of Fontwatch…

Situated a couple blocks west of Vermont, ’PicoPico’ knows the innate power of a good sans-serif. And wisely, they’ve carved out the necessary space to prevent the italicized bit from nudging its non-italic sibling – some might argue they’ve actually gone a smidge overboard, but kerning and tracking are subjective sciences.

Unfortunately for the Outlet the oft-overused Arial Black, while exceptionally heavy, is largely lost within the confines of the background colors, most notably in the poor red-on-pink decision. Worse, at an average velocity of 22mph only the sharpest, most astute eye will be able to rise above the heavy red font for the Backpack º Luggage pitch, a bit of an amalgamation of Copperplate and something John Baldessari might have done on commission while bored. (Hey, it’s entirely plausible.)

Shortcomings aside we have no choice but to commend ’PicoPico’ for its Starburst color scheme which, we hope, is effective in the battle for attention on the Boulevard – particularly in this jocund din of a stretch. The juice truly is loose. Pico OUTLET: We salute you!

Love or hate something about Pico Blvd? Let us know.