Win Tickets to See Noisettes w/ TVOTR this Friday


Nice little midweek giveaway we have here–a pair of tickets to check out the Noisettes when they open for TV On The Radio this Friday, 3/30 at the Henry Fonda.

Noisettes are a punky U.K. trio on the rise, making their U.S debut on the TVOTR tour. They rock and are quite possibly the best of the current crop of bands with names ending in “-ettes.” (Apologies to the lovely Pipettes and LA’s own Ettes.)

Their record is out on 4/17 and they’ll be back here for Coachella, so here’s a chance to really get the jump on them early. Check out a video here and a streaming track here.

Contest entry is closed. Winners will be notified shortly, so watch your e-mail if you entered. If you’re a winner, we’ll need you to reply with your address immediately to get these tickets out to you.