Reader Picks ’07: Your Favorite Bathroom

’ReaderThe bathroom break. A daily necessity we are oft ashamed to reference in mixed company. Regardless, like a taco, a concert, a festival, a great breakfast and a perfect parking spot some are below average, some are average, some are good, and a select few transcend the lot to achieve the coveted status of great. What was your favorite bathroom during calendar year 2007?

UPDATE, 1/02/08: Polls closed; results now online.

Don’t see your fave on the list? Add a bathroom to the list using ’Add An Answer’ if it’s not already there, so others can vote on your choice. Elaborate on your choices in the comments when necessary, and lobby others for their votes.

Refresh by clicking ’VOTE AGAIN’ and vote as many times as you like; if you go to that much trouble to champion your cause, chances are good you mean what you say. We won’t tell a soul you’re stuffing the ballot box.

Thank you for being a part of Losanjealous Reader Picks, soon a perennial classic on bookshelves nationwide.