PROBABLY NOT DEVELOPING: Nothing Of Interest Whatsoever To Be Gleaned From This Post Regarding The Green Truck, The LAPD, Museum Square's Grouchy Restaurant Row And Its Nearby Office Tenants

PROBABLY NOT DEVELOPING: Nothing Of Interest Whatsoever To Be Gleaned From This Post Regarding The Green Truck, The LAPD, Museum Square’s Grouchy Restaurant Row And Its Nearby Office Tenants

Mayhap you have been following the saga of The Green Truck And The Plight of Trendy Gourmet Mobile Food Providers Along Miracle Mile, The Grouchy Local Purveyors, The Incensed Office Workers and The Man in the last couple of weeks. Mayhap not. Still, mayhap you have. At this time, we can now finally and truly report that there be Nothing Of Interest Whatsoever To Be Gleaned From This Post Regarding The Green Truck, The LAPD, Museum Square’s Grouchy Restaurant Row And Its Nearby Office Tenants. Ready? Begin.

FROM: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
TIME: 11:59am 28 Aug 2009 Fri
What’s going on down on The Mile?

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TIME: 12:01pm
Barbie’s Q, Marked 5 are here. No sign of the police just yet. Eating some lunch. Will it be a peaceful day?

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TIME: 12:01pm
I have to go to court for this ticket though.

FROM: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TO: Bob N/A
TIME: 12:02am
Make news. Recommend lean on truck outside with a “Cite Me!” t-shirt.

TO: Ryan’s Wireless Device
TIME: 12:45pm
Damn. Green Truck makes some good food. No cop action today, just a fly-by or two from yesterday’s car.

Green truck photo by jojomelons

» DEVELOPING: Green Truck “Scoping Out” Museum Square Today
» LAPD Throwing All Manner of Fines Under the Sun At Your Favorite Truck
» India Jones: Open For Business, Impounded By Po-Po, Back On Streets Today
» Green Truck on twitter