Nobody Walks To LA

Nobody Walks To LA

chad floresOn August 1, Chad “Big Country” Flores began a 3,000 mile round-trip journey from his hometown in Malakoff, TX to Los Angeles to raise money for a women’s shelter. Let’s take a look at his daily log to see how he’s faring.

Day 1: Chad spotted walking into Trinidad, the very next town 5 miles away.

Day 2: Chad makes it to Waxahachie. His only comments are how hot it is. After only two days he mentions that he’s hanging in there. These are not good signs.

Day 3: Hello Mansfield! Chad again comments on how hot it is and how he is still hanging in there. Apparently Big Country is on a tight budget because he is sleeping underneath bridges. Realizing the temperature tends to drop when the sun goes down, Chad decides he can hang in there longer by walking at night.

Day 4: En route to Eastland, blisters form on Chad’s feet. Said blisters begin bleeding. Hanging in there becomes more difficult.

Day 5: Westward to Abiline. Chad considers going to a hospital on account of his torn up feet. Suspicions of a tight budget are confirmed as friends email Abilene Hospital asking for any spare size 12 1/2 shoes.

Day 6: Just outside Sweetwater. While attempting to take shelter from rain, Chad falls off a bridge, striking his leg on a guardrail. Hanging in turns to hang it up. Big Country calls his stepdad to drive him back to Malakoff.

Visit Chad’s site