Photo Op: Stilts Bring Smiles

Photo Op: Stilts Bring Smiles

stilts bring smilesIt doesn’t really matter what the two stilted ladies were hawking outside Cal Plaza Water Court today at noon. The point is simply Friday afternoon and sunny: End of the week and the beginning of the weekend. Ladies in formalwear bopping about on souped-up stilts are the icing on the cake and destined to bring a smile to your face, like it or not. Meantime, the Warsaw Village Band reminds us that the free concert season is far from over.

Bonus Photos:
Stilted Lady You Make-A Me Smile, Cal Plaza, 8-19-05
Lunchtime, Grand Performances, Cal Plaza, 8-19-05
Construction Continues, Olive St, 8-19-05
Cantaloupe, Hal’s, Abbot Kinney Blvd, Undated