House of Christmas® David™s: A Two-Year Analysis

House of Christmas® David™s: A Two-Year Analysis

house of christmas davids ’07

There’s something in the air. ’Tis the magic season wee Angelenos, boys and girls alike, wait for all year. Finally the morning arrives. After a fitful sleep they rise extra early, fresh-faced and twinkly-eyed. They grab a cup of joe and a smoke, get strapped into their carseats and are unceremoniously hauled by mom and dad over to Hancock Park to stare in amazement at the House of Christmas® David™s.

Let us take a few moments to side-by-side the changes in the annual decorum, then…

house of christmas davids ’07

  • While last year’s Santa and Mrs. Claus appear to be absent in the foreground, 2007 boasts several all-new bow-clad Santas at roof’s edge, deftly covering the gilded lions beneath
  • The rooftop-crowning, looming “FHP” initials were prominent in 2006. Their cryptic meaning was downplayed as “Feed His People” in wee blocked red lettering, though scholars maintain the more apt and decidedly non-holiday “F*ck Hancock Park” current ran far deeper. Whatever your belief of their meaning, “FHP” is conspicuously absent this go-round.
  • For reasons unknown the numeral “6” at the end of “2006” has now been changed to a “7”. Can anybody help me out here?

house of christmas davids ’07

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