This Sunday: Lip Gloss Day at Dodger Stadium

’Smashbox’Just a reminder, this Sunday’s Mother Day home game versus the Reds is Lip Gloss Day at Dodger Stadium. Courtesy of Smashbox Cosmetics, the first 25,000 thru the turnstyles will get a free lip gloss. No word on what shades or finishes (shimmer, cream or sheer, per the Smashbox website) will be available.

’Nomar’Boys, be sure to ask for yours when you come on in. If you are denied your lip gloss, start crying and make a big scene and have daddy threaten a discrimination suit. You just might earn yourself a seat upgrade. Speaking of seats, some great ones are still available in the Baseline VIP section ($200).

On a related note, no photo is yet available of the bobblehead for the forthcoming Russell Martin Bobblehead day, August 2nd. However Russell Martin fans and bobblehead enthusiasts surely are encouraged by the recent Normar Garciaparra bobblehead (pictured at right), which captured his likeness with breathtaking accuracy.