Local Weblog Tombstone Graphic Gives Up Ghost

Local Weblog Tombstone Graphic Gives Up Ghost

the_last_tombstoneDEATH TOLL RECAP
Lordy! What a week-or-so of sheer death we’ve had. Scenestar turned out the lights. Wayne Coyne poured a 40 for year 48 on the planet. Aziz killed his offer to guest blog (maybe next time). Burger King had Facebookers sacrificing each other for Whoppers – right up to the point that Facebook sacrificed the bejesus out of Burger King. Indie103 perished. KXLU said meh. Commenters discussed the response. We attended a touching, albeit unnecessarily profane, service for Circuit City (monster cables were cremated). Finally, the dude who licensed this cruddy-looking mossy tombstone came calling for cash. The infinity trick to the right simply means we’ll be invoiced 37x more than originally estimated. End of day, death is just no fun. And expensive. Next week: Rebirth? Have y’selves a great weekend out there.