Getty to Offer Free Parking For Skinny-Jeaned Concertgoers, $15/Car Everybody Else

Getty to Offer Free Parking For Skinny-Jeaned Concertgoers, $15/Car Everybody Else

no age, getty, 2008No Age at the Getty; photo by Sung

Attention drivers! Parking at The Getty will soon be free, provided you are not there to casually browse art during daylight hours. Art lovers, pony up:


Parking fees increase to $15; parking is free for Saturday nights at the Getty Center and evening events at both sites

LOS ANGELES-The J. Paul Getty Trust today announced parking rates at both the Getty Center and Getty Villa will increase to $15 effective July 1, but parking at both sites will be free for evening programs after 5pm. Admission remains free.

Visitors attending evening events throughout the week, including theater, music, film, lectures, and other special programs at both the Getty Center and Getty Villa, will be able to park free after 5pm.

Museum visitors also can take advantage of free parking after 5pm on Saturdays at the Getty Center, when the Museum remains open until 9pm.

The Getty Center is open Tuesday-Sunday, 10am to 5:30pm, except for Saturday, when the Museum and the Restaurant are open until 9pm. No parking reservations are necessary. Museum admission is always free.

The Getty Villa is open Thursday-Monday, 10am to 5pm. Admission is free, but advance timed tickets are required. Tickets are available at or (310) 440-7300. Same day tickets are frequently available.

Though I just received this June 4-dated press release this morning, this is apparently not the freshest news on the block. Still, as an avid fan both of the Getty concert series and Ensor’s pre-expressionist masterpiece Christ’s Entry into Brussels in 1889 (more on that guy here), I feel this announcement is more than newsworthy for our faithful live-concert-attending readers. My only personal comment might be that I am scared shitless the Kogi is going to figure out how to stack 4-6 parking spaces directly above Roja any day now and start charging $20 a slot just before they jump the shark, I see Los Angeles agreeing to that. Meantime, enjoy free Getty evening parking at Dodos this August 8 if not before. I leave you with some choice mid-2008 shots of Getty sunsets, as seen through Sung’s lens. (No word on what he was required to cough up in order to park and snag these.)

» No Age at The Getty, June 27, 2008
» Dan Deacon at The Getty, July 11, 2008