On The Scene at the Santa Monica Food Truck Lot, Day Two: Lot Closed Down by City of Santa Monica

On The Scene at the Santa Monica Food Truck Lot, Day Two: Lot Closed Down by City of Santa Monica

Mayhap you saw the tweet by Victor already, live at the scene. If not, let it be known that the Santa Monica Food Truck Lot is, at present, closed, the issue being that the lot’s zoning language does not explicity state “food truck use”. New language will need to be added and approved before the trucks may begin doling out those cute, tasty, cute-and-tasty and occasionally neither-cute-nor-tasty sub-$10 meals to aficionados of the westside gourmet lonchera scene.

Certainly not the first time The Man has clashed with a conglomeration (coalition?) of food trucks in our fair city. Anybody remember 5750 Wilshire Blvd a few months back? Stick around for full details as they trickle in. Meantime, solidarity tweets may be directed here: @SMFoodTruckLot

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