Losanjealous April 2007 Commenter of the Month: Shenny

Losanjealous April 2007 Commenter of the Month: Shenny

Losanjealous April 2007 Commenter of the Month: Shenny!We here at Losanjealous are of the mindset “Thirty days late may or may not be better than never,” particularly when it comes to dishing out that most coveted of online awards; namely, the Losanjealous Commenter of the Month Award. With this philosophy firmly in place, we are proud to introduce you to our April winner, SHENNY: Avid commenter, indie rock lover, non-betta owner, punk rock unabridged-UK-versions-only reader, eggbeater-eater. Ladies and Gentlemen. Denizens abroad and at large. I give thee: SHENNY!

Congratulations, Shenny, on being selected as the Losanjealous Commenter of the Month for April, 2007.

Shenny on Music

You played a crucial role in the historic “Losanjealous Concert Picks, April 23-29” thread, eventually boosting that article’s total comment count to 159. On April 23 alone, you commented no less than 14 times. What was it about that thread that spurred you all to such great heights? The ’weekly concert list’ comments have traditionally outperformed the rest of the week’s output, this we know, but for some reason the commenting activity for that particular week soared into the stratosphere. Was the moon waning?

Somone actually counted my comments?! It happened that a lot of events/shows were going down the week of Coachella. So we were all swept up in the fervor of secret show speculations (particularly ’Nickelback’), Troubadour emails, and Coachella-related happs.

What’s the best concert you’ve seen thus far in 2007?

Sadly, nothing truly great so far. But if I had to choose I’d say Art Brut at the Troubadour since it was super fun and Eddie Argos is one funny sexy mofo.

What concert are you looking forward to right now?

The next Yanni show!

How many shows do you have to attend at the Troubadour before you are considered a Troubadour junkie?

There can never be enough shows! Never!

Troubador Snack Bar Old Man Caretakers: There’s been a lot of speculation of late. How many of them are there, once and for all?

I’ve only seen two with my own eyes and one of them wasn’t even an old man! He may be the heir apparent to the Troubadour old guy snack bar legacy.

Shenny on Shenny

Any pets?

Nope. It’s hard enough taking care of myself, let alone another living animal.

What are your thoughts on betta siamese fighting fish? Why don’t you own one? Resilient pet, any way you slice it.

Do they really fight each other? That’d be cool.

Last good book you read?

I’ve been into audiobooks of late. But the last actual physical book I read was the UK version of Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984. The U.S. version was abridged about 400 pages for some reason.

Describe, if you would, your typical breakfast.

From the company cafeteria: eggbeaters with salsa, biscuit, hash browns and hot green tea. Thursdays are chiliquiles days!

Shenny on The Price is Right

It’s Bob Barker’s alleged last year as host of The Price Is Right. How does this affect you?

This is quite sad. As a kid, watching The Price is Right meant I wasn’t at school and I could watch game shows like The Price is Right and that game with Bert Convy along with syndicated versions of One Day at A Time and Alice. I can’t imagine another host not Bob Barker. Oh gawd, I hope the Mario Lopez rumors aren’t true.

Shenny on Comments and Losanjealous

How long have you been reading Losanjealous?

Almost a year!

Have you ever won tickets to a show from the website?

Never! What’s up with that Losanjealous??

Who are some of your favorite commenters on the site?

Frank and Oscar for the concert tips. And I’d be remissed if I didn’t mention my homegirl Jenn.

Do you ever find yourself wishing offline environments had a ’comment’ section? Say for example, the line at Starbucks.

Yes. Every time I see a comment card, I have to fill it out and mail it. One time someone from Pavilions called me to say next time they’ll have the nonfat Dannon yogurt in stock and that they’ll look into carrying the stir fry veggies like Trader Joe’s has.

Shenny on Traffic

On average, how long do you spend in traffic, daily?

15-20 minutes. If the freeways weren’t so congested, it’d be 8 minutes.

What’s the worst intersection in Los Angeles, and why?

It’s been over 6 years since I’ve worked in L.A. and right now I live and work east of East L.A. So I really wouldn’t know. However seems like every time I’m at the Wiltern, there’s always an accident or near-accident at Wilshire and Western. Being it’s K-Town, hopefully what they say about Asian drivers really isn’t true.

Any additional comments? (Please just post them below this thread, in the comment section…)

What, no Asian newscaster questions??

April 2007 Losanjealous Commenter of the Month