Point/Counterpoint: The Losanjealous Escort Service Recap: Number Two's Tale

Point/Counterpoint: The Losanjealous Escort Service Recap: Number Two’s Tale

Denizens! As promised, our Losanjealous Escort Service participants have written up last Saturday’s historic undertaking. To commemorate the ’Day of Cupids Hearts and Shit Like That’, we now present both sides of the tale for your enjoyment.

First Up: Contestant #2 tells her side……

Let me preface my date recap by addressing my co-contestants: #1 and #3, I apologize for any heartache suffered, but it was unintentional. What’s more, Mr. Photog-Slash-Janitor (hereinafter referred to as “PSJ”) is extremely stalkable, which, #1, would have made things tricky for your friend, no doubt. He embodies everything one would expect in a pre-paid – thanks LosAnjealous! – escort.

Above: Escort and charge enjoy La Bodeguita De Pico (Credit: Losanjealous MustacheCam 8000)

I must admit that, as shocked and humbled as I was to win, I expected to be much more nervous than I actually was, especially since I was a blind-date virgin. I attribute my composure, in part, to the fact that I knew what PSJ would look like, in part, whereas he had foolishly agreed to spend an entire evening with a potential ogress. As I conducted my pre-date primp, I felt pretty confident in knowing I would at least start out with points on the board, since there was a better-than-average chance that PSJ’s first impression would be something along the lines of, “thank God she’s got all 10 digits and a full set of teeth.”

On that note, I feel it’s my duty to disclose to you all that the redacted portion of PSJ’s face is just as dashing as the rest of the picture. Of course, I must admit that I fantasized that maybe he’d be sporting an eye patch behind that big black rectangle, or, even better, have a wild case of lazy-eye, because that’s just crazy hot…but I digress.

PSJ was a perfect gentleman throughout the evening, opening doors, allowing me to be seated first at the table, etc. Very chivalrous. La Bodeguita’s cuisine was delectable and their waiters attentive, and the live music nicely complemented (but didn’t overpower) the conversation. We ordered mojitos, of course, because ’when in Rome Havana’

Our conversation was so engrossing (little-known fact: PSJ enjoys using the word ’dank’ in everyday vernacular, yet he spent his childhood in neither OC nor SD) that we didn’t leave the restaurant until well after 9. Alas, by that point the schlep out to the concert was far from appealing, since we had at that point already missed a significant portion of the set. So, we stayed local and hit up the Cottage just across the street. Stiff drinks, fedora-rockin’ bartender, and Boyz II Men on blast: what more could one ask for in a bar? Again, more gabbing over drinks (I stuck with rum, while PSJ switched to whiskey; what a champ) was followed by a spot of gambling. The stakes: Pie & milkshakes at Swingers. The wager: raining outside = on me, no rain = on PSJ’s dime. I won. ::woot::

Above: Escort and charge enjoy Swingers Diner (Credit: Losanjealous MustacheCam 8000)

Well, Losanjealous readers, I’m still not sure why you ultimately decided to put your confidence in me to take full advantage of the opportunity so graciously offered by this wonderful website; but I had an unforgettable evening – even sans indierojc – and I only have you all to thank for it. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Forever yours,
Contestant #2

EscortWatch 2007: Read on…

The contest is announced
The details are solidified
The finalists are presented
The winner is chosen