L.A. Concert Calendar: March 27 - April 2

L.A. Concert Calendar: March 27 – April 2

Visit our concert calendar for a full show list, links to buy tickets and our picks. Pick of the Week: Rose Scharlin School Benefit Concert…

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Losanjealous Interviews Western Truck Exchange

Losanjealous Interviews Western Truck Exchange

Ron. Talks with WTE have completely and unequivocally broken down. Initially cooperative, Mark’s become elusive. Evasive. I get more e-mail replies from my shoe. Frankly…

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Charles Phoenix's Slide of the Week: Flight to Mars, POP, Santa Monica, 1958

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: Flight to Mars, POP, Santa Monica, 1958

Flight to Mars, POP, Santa Monica, 1958 The warm glowing atmosphere of Mars is well rendered on the side of a building while a big,…

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Adam Morrison's Five Stages of Grief

Adam Morrison’s Five Stages of Grief

1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

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Hallucination City: When 99 Electric Guitars Just Won't Do

Hallucination City: When 99 Electric Guitars Just Won’t Do

On Wednesday, March 29, Glen Branca will perform his Symphony No. 13 “Hallucination City,” for 100 electric guitars at Disney Hall. Branca originally wrote this…

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