This Week In Giant Fucking Burritos: El Jalapeño

’elNAME: El Jalapeño

Beverly/Normandie. I believe this neighborhood is known as LITTLE EVERYTHING

JUSTIFICATION: Looks dodgy. Always wanted to try.

SHACKFACTOR: High. Man sleeping in back booth. TV works about as well as oki-dog’s: loud, unwatchable, poor antenna signal. Between static bursts I sense a western or cop movie. Lots of shouting and gunfights. Paper towels galore. I could get used to this.

Pastor ’con todo’. Giant fucking burrito for a mere $4. Filled the plate. Bigger and heavier than a hard-fired mason brick. That said, quantity bested quality. Giant globules of fat were nestled deep within. I couldn’t finish the fucker. Keep moving. Salsa bar nearly induced a retch. Photos of the goods after the jump.





CLOSING THOUGHT: According to Bandini they do have good tacos. Do as you will.